
Friday, October 7, 2011

Georgia O'Keeffe

My homeschool group studied the work of Georgia O'Keeffe today. We talked about her work -specifically her flower paintings. 
Our class learned about abstraction and how O'Keeffe became fascinated with the idea after seeing how photographs could be cropped in such a way as to make an image of a real thing become abstract.
We talked about composition and expressing emotions through art with color and line.
Our project today was to create our own 18"x24" mixed media flower painting. We took some time to learn how to use watercolor techniques, such as wet on wet and wet on dry painting. We also explored the special effects salt and isopropyl alcohol have on wet watercolors. For our art work we also used pastel chalks, so we experimented with dry chalk and rubbing, dry chalk gone over with a wet brush, and chalks dipped in water before drawing. The kids took some time to practice all of these techniques and to create a sketch and color plan for their final work.

watercolor exploration

chalk exploration

thinking about composition

making a plan

trying out techniques

even our youngest students were very busy!

With our plans in place the final work began.

watercolor sketch

amazing color

working in chalk

dynamic design


painting over chalk

lots of space, lots of texture

very abstract= very interesting

chalk dipped in water before drawing

wet paint on wet paper

new idea, spray drying watercolor lightly with water... cool results

everyone is finishing up
We had some really beautiful results! Great work everyone.






1 comment:

  1. Yeah dear, Art is the best way to showcase your thoughts, your imagination and above all your expressions. I am also taking lessons of Aboriginal Art. I love to paint and I will definitely choose my profession in same field.
