
Friday, September 16, 2011

Jasper Johns

Jasper Johns
Preschool art class worked on Jasper Johns inspired collage paintings this week. We looked at some of Jasper Johns' work and talked about his use of symbols. We looked at his number paintings and talked about the process of collaging and then adding layers of paint and symbols to create a piece of artwork. Finally we discussed the difference between warm and cool colors and contrast. 

Then we got to work, we cut up and tore pieces of newspaper and created a collage on our papers .

When our collage was finished we began to paint our papers in only cool colors.

While our paintings were drying we all got the numbers 1, 2, and 3 and began painting them in only warm colors. We used paint brushes and q-tips to decorate our numbers for our final piece.

These were still drying at the end of class, but this is a detail of how they will look when finished! I love how the some of the ink in the ads in the collage resisted the paint.
Thanks to for the great idea.
We finished these up today!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aubrey, I am so super impressed by you and your little artists. Your studio looks amazing!! The kids look like they're learning so much:) I think it's so great that you're using your talents and following your dream. Keep up the good work Artist Aubrey;) I love your blog!!
