
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Study of Gerhard Richter

Richter- Oil on Photograph
Gerhard Richter

In homeschool art we studied the work of Gerhard Richter. He is an amazing painter. He creates pristine portraits as well as abstract paintings. Sometimes he paints on top of photography as well. To watch a really neat video showing how he creates his large scale abstract paintings check this out!!! For biographical information on the artist look here!

Richter uses squeegees to drag paint across the canvas as well as knives to scrap layers off revealing the color underneath.

For our project we used acrylic paint on heavy paper. We used old credit cards and cardboard pieces as our squeegees. We added one layer at a time and had an incredible time creating our masterpieces.

What do you think of our Richter inspired work?

Oaxacan Art in Paper Mache

Oaxacan wood carvings

My homeschool group studied the amazing art of the Oaxacan people of Mexico. We looked at their wood carvings with their beautiful painted designs. 
Now that we had our inspiration we began building paper mache sculptures that we would later paint in the Oaxacan style.

Once everything was dry we got busy with our design work. We talked about contrast and visual texture using lines and dots.

this snake featured a rattle in the tale and toothpick fangs!